Thursday, February 25, 2010

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer can be devided into 2 groups , there are Polyp Colon and Colon Cancer. Polyp is a protrusion in mucosal surface. And Polyp could be devided into 3 types, 1.neoplasm epitelium. 2.Non-neoplasm.3.Submukose. Polyp could be transform into Colorectal Cancer. So, with Surgical procedure, Polyp might be removed, and prevent Colorectal Cancer!.

Nowdays (year 2010), Colorectal Cancer become the 2nd rank in Cancer Cases  in the world, before that is in the 4th grade*.The patient now in age under 45 years old, before the patient above 50 years old. This is very surprised!!.This Phenomenon might be accociated with STESS, and Our lifestyle today include kind of our diets. 

The higher Stress in young Adult Today, than before might be explained why this cancer change in rank also the patients. Some relaxing also needed, right ? Don't be stress all the time! And don't forget eat enough fiber in your Diets! All these are Usefull. 

Colorectal Cancer isn't popular than others example breast cancer or cervical cancer. But Colorectal Cancer is deadly. because the metastatic pattern could reach liver (most often), brain, lung, bone, etc. Colorectal Cancer has its differential diagnosis. It means, The Diagnosis could be confused with Haemorroids, Diverticel, Tumor, Polyp,etc. Contact your doctor when you get the symptoms like bloody in your rectum, anus or colon. This is important and necessary!

Source : *Text Book " Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid 1 4th Edition" and Lecture.