Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tumor Marker

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

PSA Blood Test

Prostate Spesific Antigen also known as PSA is one of the Tumor Marker especially gathering informations around Prostate's conditions. In Normal condition of adult male, PSA Levels is under 3 ng/ml.  PSA is producted by prostate cells and the Levels above 4 ng/ml  found in prostate disease both in malignant case and benign case such as Prostate hiperplasia. Although a definite Diagnosis of Cancers is a Biopsy, but with monitoring PSA levels, it gives important informations about conditions the patient. PSA is the only Tumor Marker that is recognized as a Screening tool for prostate cancer.

PSA tests consist of  PSA free and PSA act, which is a complex between PSA with alpha-1 antichymotrypsin . PSA act is a ratio between total PSA with PSA free, and used to distinguish between benign case such asProstate hypertrophy, with Prostate cancer. Levels under 4 ng/ml showing no malignancy lesion whereas Levels above 10 ng/ml showing cancer lesion. Levels between 4-10 ng/ml is still dobtful and need more additional checks. Generally, PSA Levels above 4 ng/ml requires prostate biopsy and the Levels >20 ng/ml showed the cancer had spread and usually can not be cured.

There are many Factors that influence PSA Levels, One of them is age. The Older people will tend the higher levels than the younger. As well as the patient with BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertropy), PSA Levels correlated linearly with tumor growth, The bigger the tumor tissue than The higher the PSA  Levels. Hormonal therapy also influence the secretion of PSA, especially the Androgen activity..

In Patient with Prostate Cancer after getting Surgery therapy and Radiotherapy, could found the sign of reccurency if there is still showing increase of PSA Levels. After getting Therapy, the Levels of PSA should be 0 or the Levels should be drecrease than before.

Source: Translated from "Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II forth edition page 823".