Colon Cancer.There are some definition here, i want to tell you,readers.
Colon cancer is a cancer in a large intestine, and rectal cancer is a cancer in rectum. Both of them usually called Colorectal cancer. in source Wikipedia, there are 655.000 death world wide per year caused colon cancer. many colon cancers arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. Their growths usually benign. But some may develop into colon cancer over time.
The symptoms of colon cancer depend on location of tumor and its metastatic.
Here some of colon cancer symptoms
The people with colon cancer usually have a changing in bowel habit. Diarrhea,constipation and tenesmus (feeling of incomplete defecation). In Colon cancer usually has bleeding in lower gastrointestine, when it is chroric the anemia or iron deficiency may occur. Colon cancer may also lead to weight loss, unexplained fever. When colon cancer in metastatic stage, it commonly spreads to the Liver. Large deposit in the liver cause abdominal pain (due to stretching of the liver’s capsule) , billiary obstruction and jaundice.
There are some factor risks of developing colon cancer, these include Age (60-70 years old), history of cancer, heredity , smoking, diet high in red meat and low in fresh fruit-vegetables, Virus, Alcohol, etc.
Diagnosis and screening of colon cancer may include Endoscopy (Colonoscopy), test for blood in the stool (FOBT), Digital rectal exam (DRE),etc.
The colon cancer treatment include Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, and Immunotherapy. To prevent colon cancer disease ,it is strongly recommended to improved lifestyle and nutrition, chemoprevention and calcium supplementation.
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