Testicular Cancer.Definition of testicular cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the testis. Testicular cancer usually occurs in young or middle-aged men. Two main types of testicular cancer are seminomas (cancers that grow slowly and are sensitive to radiation therapy) and nonseminomas (different cell types that grow more quickly than seminomas).
Estimated new cases and deaths from testicular cancer in the United States in 2009
New cases: 8,400
Deaths: 380
A testicular mass can often be palpated. Because testicular cancer is curable (stage I can have a success rate of >90%) when detected early and experts recommend regular monthly testicular self-examination after a hot shower or bath, when the scrotum is looser. Men should examine each testicle, feeling for pea-shaped lumps. The testicle should normally feel smooth to the touch. Ridges may be felt because of enlarged blood vessels or tumor growth. Additionally the entire testicle may feel hard and bumpy to the touch.
Symptoms may include one or more of the following:
- a lump in one testis or a hardening of one of the testicles
- abnormal sensitivity (either numbness or pain)
- loss of sexual activity or interest
- sexual withdrawal
- build-up of fluid in the scrotum or tunica vaginalis, known as a hydrocele
- a dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin, sometimes described as a "heavy" sensation
- lumbago - lower back pain
- An increase, or significant decrease, or sudden decrease in the size of one or both testes. The testicle with a tumor may be severely enlarged, as much as 3 times the original size. Simultaneously the other testicle may be shrunken in size, due to the tumor taking up the majority of the blood supply to the scrotum.
- blood in semen
- general weak and tired feeling
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against routine screening for testicular cancer in asymptomatic adolescent and adult.
Here, the Review about Cancer Prostate
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_cancer
- http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/testicular
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