Cancer Drugs | Learn more about Cancer Medication
By Kisenda
There are many types of cancer that people can suffer but types of medication they may be using is stay similiar. There are many form of medication that we can choose, also the various types of side effect to go with each. Our doctor will help us to determine which type of treatment is the best. Our therapy can include Hormone therapy, Chemotherapy, Biological therapy, complimentary and alternative therapy also drug treatment. Usually, the Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs which are done injectable, by mouth, intravenously and topical application. They stop the growth of cancer with destroy the cancer cells. Usually, it is done in cycles.
Some of anti-cancer medications that our doctor may include Hexalen, Blenoxane, Doxil, Xeloda, Elspar , Idamycin, etc. Most cancer medications come with a hefty list of side effects, and unfortunately it is almost impossible to avoid side effects. Some of side effects that we may or may not experience with cancer medications might be feeling very weak also tired, more susceptible to infections. If the medications we choose give the severe side effects, our doctor will prescribe another medication to counter that.
Radiation therapy is the form of therapy which use the ionizing radiation. This medication kills off the cancer cells and make it impossible to grow back. Often, the surgical method use first to remove cancer than radiation and chemotherapy medication. When using the hormone therapy, we will be given the hormone which will change the way cells grow in our body. Also Biological therapy, known as Immunotherapy, it wil help the other medication fighting off the cancer cells.
We should have good communication with doctor, about what we suffer, and educate our self with many kind of medications treatment. Discuss the treatment with the oncologist, so you can get good information as well.
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