Monday, August 10, 2009

Cancer Liver

Cancer Liver
Liver Cancer | REVIEW

Cancer Liver. Liver is an important organ which has some kind of jobs in human body such as cleaning the toxic from foods or drinks, maintaining fluid balance in the body, and many others. Liver also produces bile which helps to break down the fat. And liver cancer is one of liver problem’s types.
Types of Liver cancer
On a broad basis, we can classify liver cancer as primary and secondary liver cancer. It is called as primary liver cancer when cancer originates in the liver itself. It ‘s known as secondary liver cancer when source cancer comes from another part of body then metastasis to the liver. Bile duct cancer and hepatoma are 2 main types of liver cancer.
Causes of Liver cancer
There are 2 main causes of Liver cancer
  1. Occurance of infection such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
  2. Excessive consumption of Alcohol
Symptoms of Liver cancer
There are some symptoms of Liver cancer such as enlargement of Liver ,pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, fluid disbalance in the body. some others are nausea, loss of weight, weakness, etc. However, we still need to check up in laboratories.
Diagnosis of Liver cancer
Liver ultrasound scan, liver biopsy and CT scan test are usually used to diagnose the liver problems, include liver cancer. And the physical examination is basicly to check the enlargement of liver.
Treatment of liver cancer
The doctor might prescribes treatment techniques depends on the stage of liver , the type of liver cancer and patient’s general health care. Using laser technique and Surgical procedure, tumor or liver cancer try to destruct and remove. There are chemotherapy treatment which helps to destruct the liver cancer,too.

You can check out my other Review about Hepatitis. :-)