Palliative Radiation Therapy
Treatment in patients with Advanced Cancer won't get Extensive curative treatment. In other words, the patient won't get Radical treatment. The Palliative treatment is usually done. This is for Comfortable of patient during the last phases of live. So, What kind of Palliative Radiation Therapy ??
Here, The Problem of Patient with Advanced Cancer.
- Pain
Pain caused by tumor invasion or encapsulation of nervous tissue. So, in certain cases such as Bone pain due to metastases from bronchogenic carcinoma or breast cancer, Radiation therapy is very usefull and effective in relieving the pain. - Bleeding
Radiation relieves bleeding in certain dosage. That is depend on type of tumor growth and its degree of invasion.
- Pressure effects on vital organs
Pressure on vital structure such as in superior vena cava, are also relieved by radiation. Major and minor bronchi obstructed by tumor often respond to radiation therapy,too.
- Restraint of tumor growth
At times, palliation is necessary to promote the patient's sense of well-being. Radiation therapy may alliviate local suppuration, enhance the patient's self-esteem and improve nursing care.
Source : CANCER pathophysiology, etiology, and management page 186
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