Monday, March 1, 2010

Pancreatic Tumor

Pancreatic Tumor

Pancreatic Tumor could be Benign or Malignant.In Clinical study, about 90% patients with pancreatic tumor are Malignant from pancreatic exocrine tissue, that is ductus pancreatic adenocarsinoma.Pancreatic Cancer is still idiopatic. it means, there are uncertain causes of this disease. There are exogen ,endogen, and genetic factors.

Exogen factor could be smoke habit, high colesterol diet, alcohol. coffee, and carcinogenic substance. The most consistent risk factor is smoking. In smoker, the risk of pancreatic cancer increase1,4 - 2,3 higher then Non-smoker.High Colesterol diet and fat, and Low fiber are proved increasing the risk of pancreatic cancer. Good Diet for better Live :)

Endogen factors could be Age,pancreatic disease ( Cronic Pancreatitis and Diabetes millitus) and genetic mutation.Insidence of Pancreatic Cancer increase in the old age. Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis has risk 9,5 higher to get Pancreatic Cancer.

Nowdays, Pancreatic Cancer is also accociated with Genetic factor. The risk getting Pancreatic cancer increase double in family with pancreatic cancer.

Colorectal Cancer Review is here


Pooja said...

Thanks for the useful information. I agree that pancreatic cancer is mainly caused due to smoking. Pancreatic Cancer badly affects the pancreas. The symptoms of pancreatic cancer differ from person to person. The early symptoms include nausea, weight loss, jaundice, vomiting etc. There are many treatments available but diagnosis is the main part. For more details refer Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms