Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tumor marker

Tumor Marker for Female Reproduction (Screening)

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125)

CA 125 is a standard tumor marker for epithelial ovarian cancer. The reference Levels the most follow is 0-35 ku/L, but almost 99% normal women  after menopause  have the levels <20 kU/L. The levels between 100 kU/L and more can be found in pramenopause woman when come menstruation. More than 90% patients have CA 125 levels  more than 30 u/L when there is an advance cancer. CA 125 is being studied as a screening diagnostic tool because the leves increase when the disease especially attack ovarium. However, the problem is some women with CA 125 levels > 30 U/ml not found Ovarium cancer. The high levels is also found in women with Endometriosis, lung cancer, and individual with history of cancer. Increasing  CA 125 levels is also found in Non-malignant condition such as Liver disease, fibroid, Ovarian cyst, and peritonitis.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen (SCC)

SCC, first identified in Cervical Cancer. This is a marker of squamous cell carcinoma that can occur in the cervix, head and neck, lung and skin.The levels of SCC can be used to help set the stage of Carcinoma and determine the therapeutic response.

Source: Translated from Text Book "Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II forth Edition"